Super Sake: Super Fun for the Whole Family!
Apr 21, 2023 17:26:08 GMT -5
Dave D-Flipz, Venom 🕷, and 6 more like this
Post by Mongo the Destroyer on Apr 21, 2023 17:26:08 GMT -5
*We fade in on a peaceful scene. An older man is in the living room with a woman who appears to be in her late twenties. He leans in as he speaks to her as the audio picks up and we become privy to the conversation (luckily with subtitles).*
Old Man: あなたが私の息子と結婚した今、あなたは私がやりたいことを何でもする必要があります。 そうでなければ、私は彼にあなたと離婚するように促します
(Now that you're married to my son, you have to do whatever I want. If not, I will urge him to divorce you.)
*The woman is a little taken aback, but nods hesitantly.*
Old Man: つまり、何でもしなければならないということです。 わかりますか?
(This means that you have to do whatever it takes. Do you understand?)
*She is obviously nervous at his insistence and the fact that he keeps leaning closer the more times he repeats it. There’s an implication in his voice and in the air of something terrible. She is frozen by fears of ruining her otherwise perfect life. He leans in close.
Old Man: 私が何を望んでいるのか、あなたはわかっていると思います…
(I think you know what I want…)
*His face gets right up to her face, nearly touching. The camera zooms into his lips as he says exactly what you were expecting in this incredibly emotional and heavy atmosphere.*
Old Man: お店でスーパー酒を買いに行きましょう。
(Let's go buy some Super Sake at the store.)
*Fade out from this…*
*..And into Super Sake’s favorite spokesmen, Randy Angel and Kris “Triple Quake” Quake- Super Sake Presents Off the Wagon! They’re in a colorful soundstage and absolutely focused on you, the person at home.*
Randy: Do you know who wants Super Sake?
Quake: Everyone!
Randy: Old people?
Quake: Super Sake!
Randy: Young people?
Quake: Super Sake!
Randy: Children?
Quake: Super Sake…when they’re old enough!
Randy: That’s right! Everyone wants Super Sake! Do you know what they don’t want?
(それは正しい! みんなスーパー日本酒が欲しい! 彼らが望んでいないことを知っていますか?)
Quake: Off-brand garbage being peddled by not even real friends!
Randy: Absolutely. Why settle for imitation liquor being peddled by an imitation tag-team imitating being friends?
(絶対。 友達を真似た偽のタッグチームによって偽の酒が行商されていることに満足するのはなぜですか?)
*Triple Quake spits to accentuate his disgust.*
Randy: And yet here we are folks, welcome to the new generation. A time where losers who can’t even compare to us in the ring keep trying to steal our market share- and now they’re trying to steal our thunder!
(それでも、私たちはここにいます。新しい世代へようこそ。 リング上で私たちと比較することさえできない敗者が、私たちの市場シェアを奪おうとする時代-そして今、彼らは私たちの雷を盗もうとしています!)
Quake: BOOM BOOM goes the thunder!
(BOOM BOOM 雷が鳴る!)
Randy: But at the Rumble we’re not going to let that happen. No, at the Rumble Off the Wagon will once again reign supreme as the XHF Tag-Team Champions!
(しかし、ランブルではそれを許しません。 いいえ、ランブル オフ ザ ワゴンでは、XHF タッグ チーム チャンピオンとして再び君臨します。)
Quake: Actually…we’ve never held those titles.
Randy: Oh. Well either way Super Sake is amazing and Off the Wagon is unstoppable!
(いずれにせよ、 超酒 は素晴らしく、 ワゴンから は止められません。)
*Inspired by the moment, Quake pours some chewable vitamins on his head while making an angry bulldog pose even though his flexing isn’t very impressive.*
Randy: Now we’re not dumb, Super Frenemies-
Quake: They’re even stealing the “super”!
Randy: Right? Disgusting. We’re not dumb, Off-Brand Acquaintances, we’re sure after our previous encounters you’ll be ready. You’ll probably be wearing cups after the ball mashing we gave you in the past.
(右? おぞましい。 私たちはばかではありません、ブランド外の知人です。以前の出会いの後、準備ができていると確信しています. 過去に提供したボールマッシングの後、おそらくカップを着用するでしょう.)
Quake: Mashed like potatoes!
Randy: But in truth you're the fools. We already know that we've smashed Zoran's groin so much it looks like a Ken doll- and between you, the fans, and the J-ROK men's locker room, Dylan was already there.
(しかし、実際にはあなたはばかです。 ゾランの股間をケンの人形のように粉砕したことはすでにわかっています-そして、あなた、ファン、そしてJ-ROKの男子ロッカールームの間には、ディランがすでにそこにいました.)
Quake: World’s smallest censor bar!
Randy: So obviously we’ll have to change things up. So don’t worry, we have new plans and new strategies beyond just crushing your balls.
(したがって、明らかに、物事を変更する必要があります。 心配する必要はありません。私たちはあなたのボールを潰すだけでなく、新しい計画と新しい戦略を持っています。)
Quake: But if that works…it’s still on the table!
Randy: Of course. Now about Psycho McTalksQuietNow and Emotional MacPleaseDontHurtUs we know you're going through a lot right now.
(もちろん。 次に、Jack Gaines と Brendan Harding について、あなたが今多くのことを経験していることを知っています。)
*The tone takes a decidedly more serious turn.*
Randy: After all, Brendan your marriage issues are basically public record- on top of that you're still trying to process that the company we work for…
Quake: …The shows we work at…
Randy: …are responsible for the deaths of thousands upon thousands of people.
*Both Randy and Quake's smiles fade as they go into unblinking thousand-mile stares. The colors of the room dim as transparent fire is projected onto their faces. And the screams. The screams haunt the moment and haunt their every conscious thought. The horrors of death, resting in every witness’s heart. Suddenly, though, the lights come back up, the fire disappears and Randy pulls up a bottle of Super Sake brand sake.*
Randy: Well we've got a solution to help you make it through the match!
*Through the magic of editing, suddenly both Randy Angel and Kris Quake are also holding shot glasses of sake (aside from their already present Super Sake and chewable vitamin bottles). They clink their glasses.*
Randy: Super Sake brand sake understands that we all have to deal with difficulties, especially after the tragedy caused by Dylan Black. Luckily, Super Sake is here to help us, as a nation, move on and try to put this behind us. But first let’s get some revenge.
(超酒 ブランドの日本酒は、特にディラン・ブラックが引き起こした悲劇の後、私たち全員が困難に対処しなければならないことを理解しています。 幸いなことに、 超酒 は、国として前進し、これを後回しにするために私たちを支援するためにここにいます. でもまずはリベンジしましょう。)
Quake: J-ROK style!
*Angel nods.*
Randy: Since this match is exclusive to our company, with the exception of “Stabby McWeakGroin” Zoran Sainovic, let’s use this as an opportunity to clean house and work together to punish Dylan Black and teach him why he shouldn’t murder thousands of people.
(この試合は、「Stabby McWeakGroin」の Zoran Sainovic を除いて、当社だけのものなので、家を掃除する機会としてこれを利用し、協力して Dylan Black を罰し、なぜ何千人もの人々を殺してはならないのかを彼に教えましょう。)
Quake: And then drink away our woes!
*They clink their sake shots and drink them.*
Randy: Because if there’s anything worse than weak off-brand garbage, it’s when that weak off-brand garbage is the face of a watery imitation alcohol!
Quake: Also when he’s a terrorist!
Randy: So drink Super Sake! The brand that isn’t tied to the deaths of thousands of people.
(だからスーパー酒を飲む! 何千人もの人々の死に結びつかないブランド。)
Quake: At least not directly!
Randy: And watch the XHF Network’s Rumble when we strike a measure of justice for Great Japan!
(そして、偉大な日本のために正義の措置を講じるときは、XHF Network の Rumble をご覧ください!)
*We cut to a zoomed in shot of Quake and Randy together, both have new shots of Super Sake as they are dressed as Japanese businessmen.*
Randy: Super Sake: Let’s drink a lot…together!
Quake: Responsibly!
*We fade back in on the father-in-law and daughter-in-law, now joined by the son/husband. They’re all cheering and taking shots of Super Sake brand sake. The camera then zooms out to reveal that they’re all in bed- the same bed.*
Husband/Son: 待って、なぜお父さんは私たちと一緒にベッドにいるの?
(Wait, why is dad in bed with us?)
Old Man: ああ、そうですね…。 私は年をとっており、体が熱を必要としており、もはやそれ自体では提供できません。 話を減らしてもっと飲みましょう!
(Oh, yes…. I'm getting older and my body needs heat and can no longer provide it by itself. Talk less and drink more!)
Husband/Son: でもお父さん、私がお酒を上手に飲めないのは知ってるでしょ。 私は気絶するかもしれません !
(But Dad, you know I can't drink well. I might pass out!)
Wife: ああ、落ち着いて、夫。 もっと飲んで!
(Oh calm down, husband. Drink more!)
*She pours him another shot of Super Sake brand sake, you know this because she makes sure to angle the bottle so you can see the logo. The old man and his daughter-in-law then give a knowing wink to the camera. From either side of the frame leans Super Sake Presents: Off the Wagon (Randy Angel and Triple Quake). They also wink- though less knowingly- and give the camera a thumbs up.*
Randy: Super Sake!
Quake: Super fun for the whole family!
Wife: 一緒にたくさん飲みましょう….責任を持って!
(Let’s drink a lot together…responsibly!)
*The advertisement fades out.*
Old Man: あなたが私の息子と結婚した今、あなたは私がやりたいことを何でもする必要があります。 そうでなければ、私は彼にあなたと離婚するように促します
(Now that you're married to my son, you have to do whatever I want. If not, I will urge him to divorce you.)
*The woman is a little taken aback, but nods hesitantly.*
Old Man: つまり、何でもしなければならないということです。 わかりますか?
(This means that you have to do whatever it takes. Do you understand?)
*She is obviously nervous at his insistence and the fact that he keeps leaning closer the more times he repeats it. There’s an implication in his voice and in the air of something terrible. She is frozen by fears of ruining her otherwise perfect life. He leans in close.
Old Man: 私が何を望んでいるのか、あなたはわかっていると思います…
(I think you know what I want…)
*His face gets right up to her face, nearly touching. The camera zooms into his lips as he says exactly what you were expecting in this incredibly emotional and heavy atmosphere.*
Old Man: お店でスーパー酒を買いに行きましょう。
(Let's go buy some Super Sake at the store.)
*Fade out from this…*
*..And into Super Sake’s favorite spokesmen, Randy Angel and Kris “Triple Quake” Quake- Super Sake Presents Off the Wagon! They’re in a colorful soundstage and absolutely focused on you, the person at home.*
Randy: Do you know who wants Super Sake?
Quake: Everyone!
Randy: Old people?
Quake: Super Sake!
Randy: Young people?
Quake: Super Sake!
Randy: Children?
Quake: Super Sake…when they’re old enough!
Randy: That’s right! Everyone wants Super Sake! Do you know what they don’t want?
(それは正しい! みんなスーパー日本酒が欲しい! 彼らが望んでいないことを知っていますか?)
Quake: Off-brand garbage being peddled by not even real friends!
Randy: Absolutely. Why settle for imitation liquor being peddled by an imitation tag-team imitating being friends?
(絶対。 友達を真似た偽のタッグチームによって偽の酒が行商されていることに満足するのはなぜですか?)
*Triple Quake spits to accentuate his disgust.*
Randy: And yet here we are folks, welcome to the new generation. A time where losers who can’t even compare to us in the ring keep trying to steal our market share- and now they’re trying to steal our thunder!
(それでも、私たちはここにいます。新しい世代へようこそ。 リング上で私たちと比較することさえできない敗者が、私たちの市場シェアを奪おうとする時代-そして今、彼らは私たちの雷を盗もうとしています!)
Quake: BOOM BOOM goes the thunder!
(BOOM BOOM 雷が鳴る!)
Randy: But at the Rumble we’re not going to let that happen. No, at the Rumble Off the Wagon will once again reign supreme as the XHF Tag-Team Champions!
(しかし、ランブルではそれを許しません。 いいえ、ランブル オフ ザ ワゴンでは、XHF タッグ チーム チャンピオンとして再び君臨します。)
Quake: Actually…we’ve never held those titles.
Randy: Oh. Well either way Super Sake is amazing and Off the Wagon is unstoppable!
(いずれにせよ、 超酒 は素晴らしく、 ワゴンから は止められません。)
*Inspired by the moment, Quake pours some chewable vitamins on his head while making an angry bulldog pose even though his flexing isn’t very impressive.*
Randy: Now we’re not dumb, Super Frenemies-
Quake: They’re even stealing the “super”!
Randy: Right? Disgusting. We’re not dumb, Off-Brand Acquaintances, we’re sure after our previous encounters you’ll be ready. You’ll probably be wearing cups after the ball mashing we gave you in the past.
(右? おぞましい。 私たちはばかではありません、ブランド外の知人です。以前の出会いの後、準備ができていると確信しています. 過去に提供したボールマッシングの後、おそらくカップを着用するでしょう.)
Quake: Mashed like potatoes!
Randy: But in truth you're the fools. We already know that we've smashed Zoran's groin so much it looks like a Ken doll- and between you, the fans, and the J-ROK men's locker room, Dylan was already there.
(しかし、実際にはあなたはばかです。 ゾランの股間をケンの人形のように粉砕したことはすでにわかっています-そして、あなた、ファン、そしてJ-ROKの男子ロッカールームの間には、ディランがすでにそこにいました.)
Quake: World’s smallest censor bar!
Randy: So obviously we’ll have to change things up. So don’t worry, we have new plans and new strategies beyond just crushing your balls.
(したがって、明らかに、物事を変更する必要があります。 心配する必要はありません。私たちはあなたのボールを潰すだけでなく、新しい計画と新しい戦略を持っています。)
Quake: But if that works…it’s still on the table!
Randy: Of course. Now about Psycho McTalksQuietNow and Emotional MacPleaseDontHurtUs we know you're going through a lot right now.
(もちろん。 次に、Jack Gaines と Brendan Harding について、あなたが今多くのことを経験していることを知っています。)
*The tone takes a decidedly more serious turn.*
Randy: After all, Brendan your marriage issues are basically public record- on top of that you're still trying to process that the company we work for…
Quake: …The shows we work at…
Randy: …are responsible for the deaths of thousands upon thousands of people.
*Both Randy and Quake's smiles fade as they go into unblinking thousand-mile stares. The colors of the room dim as transparent fire is projected onto their faces. And the screams. The screams haunt the moment and haunt their every conscious thought. The horrors of death, resting in every witness’s heart. Suddenly, though, the lights come back up, the fire disappears and Randy pulls up a bottle of Super Sake brand sake.*
Randy: Well we've got a solution to help you make it through the match!
*Through the magic of editing, suddenly both Randy Angel and Kris Quake are also holding shot glasses of sake (aside from their already present Super Sake and chewable vitamin bottles). They clink their glasses.*
Randy: Super Sake brand sake understands that we all have to deal with difficulties, especially after the tragedy caused by Dylan Black. Luckily, Super Sake is here to help us, as a nation, move on and try to put this behind us. But first let’s get some revenge.
(超酒 ブランドの日本酒は、特にディラン・ブラックが引き起こした悲劇の後、私たち全員が困難に対処しなければならないことを理解しています。 幸いなことに、 超酒 は、国として前進し、これを後回しにするために私たちを支援するためにここにいます. でもまずはリベンジしましょう。)
Quake: J-ROK style!
*Angel nods.*
Randy: Since this match is exclusive to our company, with the exception of “Stabby McWeakGroin” Zoran Sainovic, let’s use this as an opportunity to clean house and work together to punish Dylan Black and teach him why he shouldn’t murder thousands of people.
(この試合は、「Stabby McWeakGroin」の Zoran Sainovic を除いて、当社だけのものなので、家を掃除する機会としてこれを利用し、協力して Dylan Black を罰し、なぜ何千人もの人々を殺してはならないのかを彼に教えましょう。)
Quake: And then drink away our woes!
*They clink their sake shots and drink them.*
Randy: Because if there’s anything worse than weak off-brand garbage, it’s when that weak off-brand garbage is the face of a watery imitation alcohol!
Quake: Also when he’s a terrorist!
Randy: So drink Super Sake! The brand that isn’t tied to the deaths of thousands of people.
(だからスーパー酒を飲む! 何千人もの人々の死に結びつかないブランド。)
Quake: At least not directly!
Randy: And watch the XHF Network’s Rumble when we strike a measure of justice for Great Japan!
(そして、偉大な日本のために正義の措置を講じるときは、XHF Network の Rumble をご覧ください!)
*We cut to a zoomed in shot of Quake and Randy together, both have new shots of Super Sake as they are dressed as Japanese businessmen.*
Randy: Super Sake: Let’s drink a lot…together!
Quake: Responsibly!
Super Sake: たくさん飲みましょう...一緒に、責任を持って!
*We fade back in on the father-in-law and daughter-in-law, now joined by the son/husband. They’re all cheering and taking shots of Super Sake brand sake. The camera then zooms out to reveal that they’re all in bed- the same bed.*
Husband/Son: 待って、なぜお父さんは私たちと一緒にベッドにいるの?
(Wait, why is dad in bed with us?)
Old Man: ああ、そうですね…。 私は年をとっており、体が熱を必要としており、もはやそれ自体では提供できません。 話を減らしてもっと飲みましょう!
(Oh, yes…. I'm getting older and my body needs heat and can no longer provide it by itself. Talk less and drink more!)
Husband/Son: でもお父さん、私がお酒を上手に飲めないのは知ってるでしょ。 私は気絶するかもしれません !
(But Dad, you know I can't drink well. I might pass out!)
Wife: ああ、落ち着いて、夫。 もっと飲んで!
(Oh calm down, husband. Drink more!)
*She pours him another shot of Super Sake brand sake, you know this because she makes sure to angle the bottle so you can see the logo. The old man and his daughter-in-law then give a knowing wink to the camera. From either side of the frame leans Super Sake Presents: Off the Wagon (Randy Angel and Triple Quake). They also wink- though less knowingly- and give the camera a thumbs up.*
Randy: Super Sake!
Quake: Super fun for the whole family!
Wife: 一緒にたくさん飲みましょう….責任を持って!
(Let’s drink a lot together…responsibly!)
*The advertisement fades out.*