Post by Oblivion Death Squad on Jan 14, 2024 0:18:12 GMT -5
Donzig-gun, and the Order they had taken over had one simple rule.
Their mission was simple, they were to be an ending. They were to hasten the destruction of wrestling, of the Sport of Kings, and to see it reborn. Now that rebirth was where the problem started, you see new life rising from the ashes was all well and good. But Donzig had decided that the new life should be in his image. To be like him.
To remake it in his image would cement his status as a God.
The job of the Oblivion Death Squad, the nameless footsoldiers of the sprawling tangled mass of Donzig-gun was to maintain the purity of that vision. To uphold the orthodoxy of Donzig-gun, because Donzig knew well how he had claimed the Order as his own. He would not risk the same fate falling to him.
As such, the betrayal of the Vision by Gavin Drake was a grave insult to the Oblivion Death Squad.
That insult also brought into question the leadership of Mormo and Moloch.
As such the pair were in a foul mood as they walked down the windy snow covered streets of Saskatoon. Their coats swirled in the wind, and their breath streamed around them in a cloud of steam. Mormo rubbed his gloved hands together, and he frowned.
‘David Slam i Treti!
Ti je gjaku i xhakelit. Babai yt të tërhoqi zvarrë nga errësira ku ishe i sigurt, sepse mendoi se Murgja ishte zhdukur!
Por ne jemi ende këtu. Ne ende shërbejmë! Babai yt ishte budalla! Dhe ne do ta bëjmë të vuajë pasi t'ju thyejmë!’
Moloch nodded, his eyes narrowed as he lifted a gloved hand to gesture angrily. He slammed it against his chest, shaking his head as he fumed.
‘David Slam! Familja juaj ka qenë gjithmonë një gjemb në këmbë! Gjyshi juaj nuk ishte në nivelin e Donzigut!
Babai juaj nuk ishte në nivelin e tij!
Por ju mendoni se mund të na mposhtni?
Bah! Ju jeni të dobët! Ju dhe të afërmit tuaj keni qenë gjithmonë të dobët! Pavarësisht se çfarë gënjeshtra thotë babai juaj, pavarësisht se çfarë ju thotë Spike!
Pavarësisht se çfarë premton Drake?
Ne jemi Skuadra e Vdekjes Oblivion! Dhe në Saskatoon? Ne i japim fund kësaj.’
Mormo spat, eyes narrowed against the cold wind as the snow and ice crunched under foot. He shook his head, and glowered before he rolled his shoulders. And he looked up, speaking in a low snarl as his brother nodded in approval.
‘Drake! Ti ishe një prej nesh!
Vëllai ynë! Dora e zbrazët! Biri i Pushtuesit! Një nga të Zgjedhurit!
Por ju jeni verbuar nga dëshira juaj për shkatërrim! Ju jeni të përdhosur nga Harresa e rreme!
Ju u anoni me Spike kundër familjes! Dhe kjo do të thotë që ju nuk do të merrni mëshirë!
Ne do t'ju japim falje kur t'ia dërgojmë kufomën zotërisë suaj të re të mbuluar me gjak!’
Moloch flexed his huge hands, and spoke angrily.
‘Spike Kane.
Ju pretendoni se po na bëni të gjithëve një nder. Ju pretendoni se jeni shpëtimtari i XHF-së! Ju pretendoni se jeni njeriu që vrau Donzigun!
Kush e varrosi Murtajën.
Por duhet të dini se ajo që ka vdekur mund të mos vdesë kurrë.
Askush nuk mund t'i shpëtojë të pashmangshmes. Askush nuk mund ta mohojë fatin e tyre. Askush nuk i shpëton Gjykimit.
Ju jeni një perandor i gënjeshtrës.’
The pair paused, exchanging looks before Moloch grunted. Mormo drove a fist into his palm, then looked up as his breath steamed around his head as his eyes narrowed.
‘Ju jeni një perandori? Ne jemi fundi i perandorisë.
Ne jemi fëmijët e rrënimit, ne jemi luftëtarët e Apokalipsit, ne jemi Këmbësorët e Boshllëkut!
Ne jemi Skuadra e Vdekjes Oblivion! Jemi përballur me ekipet më të mira në XHF dhe i kemi mësuar frikën! Ne ishim kampionët e XHF Tag Team!
Ju presim në Saskatoon!’
Their mission was simple, they were to be an ending. They were to hasten the destruction of wrestling, of the Sport of Kings, and to see it reborn. Now that rebirth was where the problem started, you see new life rising from the ashes was all well and good. But Donzig had decided that the new life should be in his image. To be like him.
To remake it in his image would cement his status as a God.
The job of the Oblivion Death Squad, the nameless footsoldiers of the sprawling tangled mass of Donzig-gun was to maintain the purity of that vision. To uphold the orthodoxy of Donzig-gun, because Donzig knew well how he had claimed the Order as his own. He would not risk the same fate falling to him.
As such, the betrayal of the Vision by Gavin Drake was a grave insult to the Oblivion Death Squad.
That insult also brought into question the leadership of Mormo and Moloch.
As such the pair were in a foul mood as they walked down the windy snow covered streets of Saskatoon. Their coats swirled in the wind, and their breath streamed around them in a cloud of steam. Mormo rubbed his gloved hands together, and he frowned.
‘David Slam i Treti!
Ti je gjaku i xhakelit. Babai yt të tërhoqi zvarrë nga errësira ku ishe i sigurt, sepse mendoi se Murgja ishte zhdukur!
Por ne jemi ende këtu. Ne ende shërbejmë! Babai yt ishte budalla! Dhe ne do ta bëjmë të vuajë pasi t'ju thyejmë!’
David Slam the Third!
You are the blood of the jackyl. Your father dragged you out from the darkness where you were safe because he thought the Scourge was gone!
But we are still here. We still serve! Your father was a fool! And we will make him suffer after we break you!
Moloch nodded, his eyes narrowed as he lifted a gloved hand to gesture angrily. He slammed it against his chest, shaking his head as he fumed.
‘David Slam! Familja juaj ka qenë gjithmonë një gjemb në këmbë! Gjyshi juaj nuk ishte në nivelin e Donzigut!
Babai juaj nuk ishte në nivelin e tij!
Por ju mendoni se mund të na mposhtni?
Bah! Ju jeni të dobët! Ju dhe të afërmit tuaj keni qenë gjithmonë të dobët! Pavarësisht se çfarë gënjeshtra thotë babai juaj, pavarësisht se çfarë ju thotë Spike!
Pavarësisht se çfarë premton Drake?
Ne jemi Skuadra e Vdekjes Oblivion! Dhe në Saskatoon? Ne i japim fund kësaj.’
David Slam! Your family has always been a thorn in our side! Your grandfather was not on the level of Donzig!
Your father was not on his level!
But you think you can defeat us?
Bah! You're weak! You and your kin have always been weak! No matter what lies your father says, no matter what Spike tells you!
No matter what Drake promises?
We are the Oblivion Death Squad! And at Saskatoon?
We end this.
Mormo spat, eyes narrowed against the cold wind as the snow and ice crunched under foot. He shook his head, and glowered before he rolled his shoulders. And he looked up, speaking in a low snarl as his brother nodded in approval.
‘Drake! Ti ishe një prej nesh!
Vëllai ynë! Dora e zbrazët! Biri i Pushtuesit! Një nga të Zgjedhurit!
Por ju jeni verbuar nga dëshira juaj për shkatërrim! Ju jeni të përdhosur nga Harresa e rreme!
Ju u anoni me Spike kundër familjes! Dhe kjo do të thotë që ju nuk do të merrni mëshirë!
Ne do t'ju japim falje kur t'ia dërgojmë kufomën zotërisë suaj të re të mbuluar me gjak!’
Drake! You were one of us!
Our brother! The Empty Hand! The Son of the Conqueror! One of the Chosen!
But you are blinded by your own desire for destruction! You are defeaned by the false Oblivion!
You sided with Spike against the family! And that means you will receieve no mercy!
We will grant you absolution when we send your carcass to your new master covered in blood!
Moloch flexed his huge hands, and spoke angrily.
‘Spike Kane.
Ju pretendoni se po na bëni të gjithëve një nder. Ju pretendoni se jeni shpëtimtari i XHF-së! Ju pretendoni se jeni njeriu që vrau Donzigun!
Kush e varrosi Murtajën.
Por duhet të dini se ajo që ka vdekur mund të mos vdesë kurrë.
Askush nuk mund t'i shpëtojë të pashmangshmes. Askush nuk mund ta mohojë fatin e tyre. Askush nuk i shpëton Gjykimit.
Ju jeni një perandor i gënjeshtrës.’
Spike Kane.
You claim to be doing us all a favor. You claim to be the savior of the XHF! You claim to be the man who killed Donzig!
Who buried the Scourge.
But you should know that what is dead may never die.
No one can escape the Inevitable. No one can deny their fate. No one escapes the Judgment.
You are an emperor of lies.
‘Ju jeni një perandori? Ne jemi fundi i perandorisë.
Ne jemi fëmijët e rrënimit, ne jemi luftëtarët e Apokalipsit, ne jemi Këmbësorët e Boshllëkut!
Ne jemi Skuadra e Vdekjes Oblivion! Jemi përballur me ekipet më të mira në XHF dhe i kemi mësuar frikën! Ne ishim kampionët e XHF Tag Team!
Ju presim në Saskatoon!’
You are an empire? We are the ends of empire.
We are the Children of Ruin, we are the warriors of Apocalypse, we are the Foot Soldiers of the Void!
We are the Oblivion Death Squad! We have faced the best tag teams in the XHF and taught them fear! We were the XHF Tag Team Champions!
We are waiting for you in Saskatoon!