Post by Oblivion Death Squad on Feb 20, 2024 20:42:47 GMT -5
Flames flicker and dance in the darkness, and gleam off the grinning skull masks of the Oblivion Death Squad as they sit on stone facing the dancing fire. Ashes and sparks swirl in the air, and the flames leap higher before a boot steps from the darkness. It grinds into the earth, and soon the frowning face of the monstrous Mormo glares down. Eyes reflecting the flames as he lifts a huge hand.
‘Që nga agimi i WUK-së ne kemi dëshiruar vetëm një gjë. Një gjë që na ka shpëtuar gjithmonë!
Me mashtrimet e njerëzve më të vegjël, me gënjeshtrat dhe mashtrimet e tyre, me frikën e tyre për t'u përballur me ne!
Dhe ky është Kampionati WUK Tag Team!’
Since the dawn of WUK we have desired only one thing. One thing that has always escaped our grasp!
By the trickery of lesser men, by their lies and deceits, by their fear to face us!
And that is the WUK Tag Team Championships!
Moloch stepped from the other side of the fire, and he glares down at the fire as he grinds his fist into his palm. Nodding to himself as he mutters under his breath as the other looks on.
‘Ne kemi gdhendur një rrugë shkatërrimi përmes WUK! Përmes XHF-së!
Ne kemi ngritur kampionatin e ekipeve të etiketave XHF! Dhe tani është koha të marrim atë që është e jona!
E jona me të drejtë!’
We have carved a path of destruction through WUK! Through the XHF!
We have lifted the XHF Tag Team Championships! And now it is time we take what is ours!
Ours by right!
Mormo nodded in agreement as he walked back and forth beside the flames as they roiled and swirled in the darkness. Sparks leapt and spat, and he glared into them before he lifted a huge hand to point angrily.
‘Demi dhe Zogu! Ne ju kemi rrahur më parë! Të kemi treguar se je i dobët, je me të meta!
Dhe në Belfast? Ne do ta bëjmë përsëri!’
Bull and Bird! We have beaten you before! We have showed you that you are weak, you are flawed!
And at Belfast? We will do it again!
Moloch looked up, eyes narrowed before he reached down to grab his mask. He turned it slowly in his hands, watching the flames’ reflection dance across it’s gleaming surface as he looked into those empty eyes. He growled, head lifting as he gestured angrily before his fist slammed against his chest.
‘Ekipet e tjera të WUK janë dobësuar! Ata janë të butë! I hutuar!
Por ne nuk jemi si ata, ne jemi të fortë! Ne kemi vetëm një qëllim, dhe ai është shkatërrimi!
Yjet e Errët? I rrahu!
Vëllezërit Gluck? I rrahu!
Tërbim dhe kafaz? Na kini frikë!
Demi dhe Zogu? Asgjë!
Ne do të marrim titujt e ekipit të etiketës WUK! Dhe ne do t'i kthejmë ata në lavdi!’
The other teams of WUK have become weak! They are soft! Distracted!
But we are not like them, we are strong! We have only one purpose, and that is destruction!
The Dark Stars? Beaten them!
The Brothers Gluck? Beaten them!
Rage and Cage? Fear us!
Bull and Bird? Nothing!
We will take the WUK Tag Team Titles! And we will restore them to glory!
Mormo growled, palming his own mask as he held it outwards as he roared.
‘WUK! Do ta shihni të vërtetën! Do të shihni që ne jemi të pashmangshëm!
Dhe ne do të ecim në Masskrën e Shën Patrikut! Dhe nëse janë Glucks apo false të Perandorisë?
Ne do t'i thyejmë para nesh! Ne jemi të zgjedhurit e fatkeqësisë! Ne jemi Bijtë e Harresës!
Të shikosh tek ne do të thotë të shikosh të ardhmen tënde!’
WUK! You will see the truth! You will see we are inevitable!
And we will walk into St. Patrick's Masscre! And whether it is The Glucks or the false ones of the Empire?
We will break them before us! We are the Chosen of the Scourge! We are the Sons of Oblivion!
To look on us is to look at your futures!
Mormo nodded in agreement, and he stepped closer to his brother. His eyes narrowed as he looked at the flames, then he seemed to nod before he lowered his head to pull his mask over it. Fire gleamed across the surface of the mask, and he tilted his head before he lifted his hand again to tug on his gloves.
‘Nuk do të ketë mëshirë! Do të ketë vetëm vuajtje!
Dhe ne do të kemi atë që është e jona! Ajo që duhet të ishte gjithmonë e jona!’
There will be no mercy! There will only be suffering!
And we will have what is ours! What should have always been ours!
Moloch jerked his own mask down over his features and he slammed his fists together before he turned to his brother.
‘Dhe nëse nuk e bëjmë? Ne do t'i shkatërrojmë të gjitha!’
And if we do not? We will destroy it all!
‘Që nga agimi i WUK-së ne kemi dëshiruar vetëm një gjë. Një gjë që na ka shpëtuar gjithmonë!
Me mashtrimet e njerëzve më të vegjël, me gënjeshtrat dhe mashtrimet e tyre, me frikën e tyre për t'u përballur me ne!
Dhe ky është Kampionati WUK Tag Team!’
Since the dawn of WUK we have desired only one thing. One thing that has always escaped our grasp!
By the trickery of lesser men, by their lies and deceits, by their fear to face us!
And that is the WUK Tag Team Championships!
Moloch stepped from the other side of the fire, and he glares down at the fire as he grinds his fist into his palm. Nodding to himself as he mutters under his breath as the other looks on.
‘Ne kemi gdhendur një rrugë shkatërrimi përmes WUK! Përmes XHF-së!
Ne kemi ngritur kampionatin e ekipeve të etiketave XHF! Dhe tani është koha të marrim atë që është e jona!
E jona me të drejtë!’
We have carved a path of destruction through WUK! Through the XHF!
We have lifted the XHF Tag Team Championships! And now it is time we take what is ours!
Ours by right!
Mormo nodded in agreement as he walked back and forth beside the flames as they roiled and swirled in the darkness. Sparks leapt and spat, and he glared into them before he lifted a huge hand to point angrily.
‘Demi dhe Zogu! Ne ju kemi rrahur më parë! Të kemi treguar se je i dobët, je me të meta!
Dhe në Belfast? Ne do ta bëjmë përsëri!’
Bull and Bird! We have beaten you before! We have showed you that you are weak, you are flawed!
And at Belfast? We will do it again!
Moloch looked up, eyes narrowed before he reached down to grab his mask. He turned it slowly in his hands, watching the flames’ reflection dance across it’s gleaming surface as he looked into those empty eyes. He growled, head lifting as he gestured angrily before his fist slammed against his chest.
‘Ekipet e tjera të WUK janë dobësuar! Ata janë të butë! I hutuar!
Por ne nuk jemi si ata, ne jemi të fortë! Ne kemi vetëm një qëllim, dhe ai është shkatërrimi!
Yjet e Errët? I rrahu!
Vëllezërit Gluck? I rrahu!
Tërbim dhe kafaz? Na kini frikë!
Demi dhe Zogu? Asgjë!
Ne do të marrim titujt e ekipit të etiketës WUK! Dhe ne do t'i kthejmë ata në lavdi!’
The other teams of WUK have become weak! They are soft! Distracted!
But we are not like them, we are strong! We have only one purpose, and that is destruction!
The Dark Stars? Beaten them!
The Brothers Gluck? Beaten them!
Rage and Cage? Fear us!
Bull and Bird? Nothing!
We will take the WUK Tag Team Titles! And we will restore them to glory!
Mormo growled, palming his own mask as he held it outwards as he roared.
‘WUK! Do ta shihni të vërtetën! Do të shihni që ne jemi të pashmangshëm!
Dhe ne do të ecim në Masskrën e Shën Patrikut! Dhe nëse janë Glucks apo false të Perandorisë?
Ne do t'i thyejmë para nesh! Ne jemi të zgjedhurit e fatkeqësisë! Ne jemi Bijtë e Harresës!
Të shikosh tek ne do të thotë të shikosh të ardhmen tënde!’
WUK! You will see the truth! You will see we are inevitable!
And we will walk into St. Patrick's Masscre! And whether it is The Glucks or the false ones of the Empire?
We will break them before us! We are the Chosen of the Scourge! We are the Sons of Oblivion!
To look on us is to look at your futures!
Mormo nodded in agreement, and he stepped closer to his brother. His eyes narrowed as he looked at the flames, then he seemed to nod before he lowered his head to pull his mask over it. Fire gleamed across the surface of the mask, and he tilted his head before he lifted his hand again to tug on his gloves.
‘Nuk do të ketë mëshirë! Do të ketë vetëm vuajtje!
Dhe ne do të kemi atë që është e jona! Ajo që duhet të ishte gjithmonë e jona!’
There will be no mercy! There will only be suffering!
And we will have what is ours! What should have always been ours!
Moloch jerked his own mask down over his features and he slammed his fists together before he turned to his brother.
‘Dhe nëse nuk e bëjmë? Ne do t'i shkatërrojmë të gjitha!’
And if we do not? We will destroy it all!