- ۞ - OUT OF CHARACTER - ۞ -
RESPECTThis rule is plain simple. Please treat everyone, from members of staff to your fellow members, with the same kind of respect that you expect in return. If you have problem with people then either take it to PMs and sort it out like adults or PM me about it and I'll go check.
NO FIGHTINGMaybe this can go under respect but I thought it might be worth making it its own rule. So yeah, no OOC fighting at all. If the two of you have issues then either PM about it to sort it out or shut the hell up. I know from experience that people posting argumentative stuff to each other quickly kills off the joyous atmosphere in forums in general.
REGISTERINGOnce you've registered yourself on here you have up to 2 days to not only post a contract but also finish it. If you have a reason for not being able to do so in the time limit then feel free to PM me your reason why and I'll allow you extra time.
CHARACTERSThis one has multiple things in it...so I decided to list off these factors as mini-rules.
iva. You're allowed up to six characters (Combatant and Non-Combatant) but in return you have to either A. Make sure each character has his or her own account. Or B. Have a link to all of their contracts in your signature. But you have to be active (by general roleplaying, match roleplaying or making segments) with all these accounts for I will do bi-monthly (two months) checks to see who is and isn't active and those who haven't been active for at least four weeks will have their account deleted and their contract moved to the
Former Employees board. Obviously you can get away with being inactive if you already posted in the
Leave of Absence about your absence beforehand.
ivb. Your picture base can be of anybody alive or deceased. I do agree with respecting the dead but that shouldn't potentially limit picture base choices (like what if someone's picture base dies halfway through their feud?). But yeah, your picture base can be anything from real to anime. However your picture base has to be human (so no Alien vs Predator here). Also each base is only available once...meaning that if someone takes CM Punk then you can't have CM Punk until that CM Punk leaves or changes their picture base. To see what bases are taken go to the
picture base list.
ivc. A theme song is what makes your character your character. So obviously the theme song rule is basically one wrestler per song (so no five wrestlers with "Cult of Personality" by Living Colours). There is an exception of this rule and that exception is basically if your people are part of a team/stable then the team/stable and everyone in that group are allowed to share one theme together. To see what theme songs have already been taken go to the
taken themes list.
ROLEPLAYJust like with characters there are a bunch of stuff that I want to point out, so I'll split this section up into mini-rules as well.
va. Roleplay Limit. This place is supposed to be fun and not too serious so we're only have a one roleplay limit. No matter where the match roleplay has to be post, on our show or in the XHF roleplay board, it is only one roleplay.
vb. Wordcount. A strict maximum of 1000 words for each match roleplay, regardless of where it's being posted (be it in our show or the XHF roleplay board). I know that sometimes massive roleplays can make others get quickly bored or make them too intimidated to join. I will be lenient however if you go over by up to 50 words more...but don't do those consistently or else I'll realise that you're taking advantage of me.
vc. When it goes to no-showing your matches there are two points in this rule to be made. If you no-show your match, without informing me or any other member of staff why, then not only will you automatically lose your match. The other point is that if no-show two shows in a row then I'll consider that you've left and move your wrestler's application be moved straight to the Former Employees board. If your person ends up going in there by mistake then feel free to shoot me a PM, mostly with an explanation of why you no-showed (if you no-showed), and - being the forgiving person I can be - can move your application back into the
Current Employees board.
vd. Nothing too graphic or sexual please. Yeah implied sex and some nudity is okay, as well as showing bits or bobs of what your person gets up to behind closed doors, but don't straight up write a 50 Shades scene (yes, I've watched all the films).
ve. Camping is not good. Camping is when you wait for your opponent to post their match roleplay and then refer to it throughout your roleplay, or even write write a direct response to it (which I have lost to in a past fed). It is okay to refer to a past match roleplay they have written but referring to a roleplay they've written directly for your current match is a BIG no-no. Doing this will result in your roleplay being automatically disqualified.
vf. You are not God. Do not, under ANY circumstance, take control of someone else's character without his/her permission. I will automatically disqualify your roleplay for this. I personally want this rule pointed out since one of my first feds kicked me out for controlling a minor character of someone without their permission after they got away with using my main character without my permission. So so godmodding/powerplaying/controlling someone else's character without permission.
UPSETIf you're upset about anything, be it about something against someone else or a result not going your way, then feel free to either PM me here or DM on Twitter (
@nausicaasuzuki). I'll do my best to sort any issue you may or may not have, as well as possibly explain why I've made my decision while judging your match...yeah, I'm the one judging & writing the matches.
MORE RULESThere may be more rules in the future as I think of them, so each time I update it I'll mention in the title when I updated the rules.